19 research outputs found

    Simulation-based optimization of thermal energy storage (TES) materials for building and industry applications

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    Una quantitat substancial d'energia s'utilitza en els sectors de l'edificaci贸 i de la ind煤stria per als prop貌sits de la calefacci贸 i de la refrigeraci贸. Els materials d'emmagatzematge d'energia t猫rmica (TES) poden oferir importants beneficis energ猫tics i econ貌mics als edificis residencials, comercials i industrials. Els materials de TES tenen el potencial per reduir les demandes de refredament i de l'electricitat m脿xima en sectors de l'edificaci贸 i de la ind煤stria; per貌, per tal d'implementar adequadament aquesta tecnologia per maximitzar els beneficis econ貌mics, es necessiten t猫cniques de simulaci贸 i optimitzaci贸 num猫rica. La important contribuci贸 original que emergeix de la present tesi 茅s l'煤s de m猫todes de simulaci贸 num猫rica i optimitzaci贸 per avan莽ar l'aplicaci贸 de la tecnologia TES en els sectors residencials i industrials. Per a aix貌, es presentar脿 una revisi贸 pel que fa a l'煤s d'eines de simulaci贸 d'energia per al desenvolupament d'edificis per analitzar passivament els materials real莽ats amb TES.Una cantidad substancial de energ铆a se utiliza en los sectores de la edificaci贸n y de la industria para los prop贸sitos de la calefacci贸n y de la refrigeraci贸n. Los materiales de almacenamiento de energ铆a t茅rmica (TES) pueden ofrecer importantes beneficios energ茅ticos y econ贸micos a los edificios residenciales, comerciales e industriales. Los materiales de TES tienen el potencial para reducir las demandas de enfriamiento y de la electricidad m谩xima en sectores de la edificaci贸n y de la industria; sin embargo, con el fin de implementar adecuadamente esta tecnolog铆a para maximizar los beneficios econ贸micos, se necesitan t茅cnicas de simulaci贸n y optimizaci贸n num茅rica. La importante contribuci贸n original que emerge de la presente tesis es el uso de m茅todos de simulaci贸n num茅rica y optimizaci贸n para avanzar la aplicaci贸n de la tecnolog铆a TES en los sectores residenciales e industriales.A substantial amount of energy is used in building and industry sectors for heating and cooling purposes. Thermal energy storage (TES) materials can offer important short-term and long-term energy, economic, and comfort benefits to residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. TES materials have the potential to reduce the cooling and peak electricity demands in building and industry sectors, however, in order to properly implement this technology to maximize the economic benefits, numerical simulation and optimization techniques are necessary. The significant original contribution emerges from the present thesis is the use of numerical simulation and optimization methods to advance the application of TES technology in the industrial and building sector. To achieve this, a review will be presented regarding the use of whole-building energy simulation tools to analyse buildings passively enhanced with TES materials

    Cool Roof Impact on Building Energy Need: The Role of Thermal Insulation with Varying Climate Conditions

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    Cool roof effectiveness in improving building thermal-energy performance is affected by different variables. In particular, roof insulation level and climate conditions are key parameters influencing cool roofs benefits and whole building energy performance. This work aims at assessing the role of cool roof in the optimum roof configuration, i.e., combination of solar reflectance capability and thermal insulation level, in terms of building energy performance in different climate conditions worldwide. To this aim, coupled dynamic thermal-energy simulation and optimization analysis is carried out. In detail, multi-dimensional optimization of combined building roof thermal insulation and solar reflectance is developed to minimize building annual energy consumption for heating-cooling. Results highlight how a high reflectance roof minimizes annual energy need for a small standard office building in the majority of considered climates. Moreover, building energy performance is more sensitive to roof solar reflectance than thermal insulation level, except for the coldest conditions. Therefore, for the selected building, the optimum roof typology presents high solar reflectance capability (0.8) and no/low insulation level (0.00-0.03 m), except for extremely hot or cold climate zones. Accordingly, this research shows how the classic approach of super-insulated buildings should be reframed for the office case toward truly environmentally friendly buildings.The work was partially funded by the Spanish government (RTI2018-093849-B-C31). This work was partially supported by ICREA under the ICREA Academia programme. Dr. Alvaro de Gracia has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 712949 (TECNIOspring PLUS) and from the Agency for Business Competitiveness of the Government of Catalonia. This publication has emanated from research supported (in part) by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the SFI Strategic Partnership Programme Grant Number SFI/15/SPP/E3125